Riding in Cars with Boys

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Download Movie Riding in Cars with BoysRiding in Cars with Boys
Beverly could've had it all. Instead, she had a son., The story of a girl who did everything wrong, but got everything right., One day can make your life; one day can ruin your life. All life is is four or five big days that change everything., Based on a true story.
Formats: divx, ipod
Genres: Drama, Comedy, Biography
Year: 2001
IMDB Rating: 6.10
IMDB Votes: 8847
Actors: Garcia, Adam, Barrymore, Drew, Woods, James, Murphy, Brittany, Zahn, Steve, Bracco, Lorraine
Seriocomic story based on the memoir by Beverly Donofrio, the movie follows a young woman who finds her life radically altered by an event from her teen years. Born in 1950, Beverly grew up bright and ambitious in a working-class neighborhood in Connecticut; her father was a tough but good-hearted cop who listened to his daughter's problems, and her mother was a nervous woman eager to imagine the worst. From an early age, Beverly displays a keen intelligence and an interest in literature, and dreams of going to college in New York and becoming a writer. However, she also develops an early interest in boys, and at 15 finds herself madly in love with a boy from her high school. However, an attempt to get his attention leads to an embarassing incident at a party, and Ray, a sweet but thick-headed 18-year-old, steps forward to defend her. Beverly and Ray end up making out, and after one thing leads to another, Beverly discovers she's pregnant. Telling Ray is only marginally less difficult than informing her parents, and at 16, Beverly is a wife and mother. Against the odds, Beverly is determined to still finish high school and go on to college, but that goal becomes more difficult with time, especially after Beverly's marriage begins to fall apart. Ray tries to do the right thing but has trouble holding a job, and becomes addicted to heroin.
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I am a Chinese travel and stay in the U.S. Four years ago, lived in Enterprise, Alabama, for 7 months, and befriended many "southerners". I know how a lot of ordinary Americans feel when in their struggle for their lives every day - a sad, lost and almost desperate. This is a country full of opportunity and freedom. But in reality, a bad move in this system usually is enough to ruin a person's life, leaving no way to return. Being beaten at the high school dropout, drugs, alcohol, weapons, bad credit, judgments .... This is the side of the U.S. is not often mentioned on TV or movies, and is real. I loved this Riding in Cars with Boys Drama movie and I would see her again when I get a chance. 8 out of 10. We also recommend some other similar films from France: "Dream Life of Angels", with outstanding performances and a shocking story.
I loved this Riding in Cars with Boys Drama more than I thought it would. A true story is presented in a simple and humorous. Lots of funny moments along with some emotional. 5 / 10. Not a very important DVD film Riding in Cars with Boys to talk about. The important point is, three main characters are wonderfully played by Barrymore, Murphy and Zahn. This is a big step for Ms. Barrymore. She has this God-given few people charm. She makes even the most terrible Riding in Cars with Boys Drama film bearable only with their appearance. This movie: Riding in Cars with Boys also shows that she is an actress first class. Unfortunately it did not have much chance to show their talent to act soon, because the majority of producers (or perhaps she, too) just wanted to use his charm and box office potential of not acting talent. I hope this DivX film Riding in Cars with Boys will be a first and we will see more pictures like this, where it can demonstrate that it is a complete actress, not just another pretty girl in Hollywood. I know it's nice and stuff, but the girl can act! Who knows? It is even possible to get an Oscar soon (if you want to get a course!) Brittany Murphy and Steve Zahn are very talented players. They can play any role with ease and success. But that's all. They simply do not have what has Drew Barrymore. Few people have anyway ...
I cried all the way through the film: Riding in Cars with Boys - the drama and the plot are well developed and the surface of the plot, but was somewhat superficial. Barrymore played a role different from its normal person, but it was certainly a success for her. The Riding in Cars with Boys Drama film is told mostly in flashbacks, and is a bit confusing at first. As the plot continues things start to fit into your site and you can not stop watching the screen. Murphey permanently stuck in this DVD movie Riding in Cars with Boys too. His personality bubbles off the screen, and what little humor is the film. I do not classify it as a comedy, but it is a Riding in Cars with Boys Drama movie that I want to see again and again. I recommend it to anyone in the mood for a good drama.

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