Possessed by the Night

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Download Movie Possessed by the NightPossessed by the Night
Control. Once you lose it, you'll kill to get it back.
Formats: hpc, divx, hidivx
Genres: Horror, Thriller, Action
Year: 1994
IMDB Rating: 3.60
IMDB Votes: 121
Actors: Brasselle, Melissa as Trina, Bergman, Sandahl as Peggy Hansen, Rochelle, Amy as Bikini Woman, Prior, Ted as Howard Hansen, Shoshan, Elana as Sheila, Silva, Henry as Scott Lindsey, Bey, Turhan as Calvin, Ray, Fred Olen as Waiter, Amiel, Alan as Detective, Diamant, Sigal as Receptionist, Mann, Byron as Fok Ping Wong, McQueen, Chad as Gus, Sivero, Frank as Murray Dunlap, Kuroda, Joe as Mr. Wong, Tweed, Shannon as Carol McKay
Several subplots revolve around story of mutant embryo in jar that exercises control over the lives of those who come into contact with it.
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