Money from Home

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Download Movie Money from HomeMoney from Home

Formats: ipod, divx
Genres: Comedy
Year: 1953
IMDB Rating: 5.80
IMDB Votes: 151
Actors: Strauss, Robert as Seldom Seen Kid, Leonard, Sheldon as Jumbo Schneider, Lewis, Jerry as Virgil Yokum, Martin, Dean as Herman 'Honey Talk' Nelson, Richards, Frank as Angry Truck Driver, Haydn, Richard as Bertie Searles, Mohr, Gerald as Marshall Preston, Kruschen, Jack as Short Boy, Vincent, Romo as The Poojah, Lubin, Lou as Sam, Horvath, Charles as Big Midge, Henchman, Millar, Marjie as Phyllis Leigh, Reeves, Richard as Russian Henry, Henchman, Hayden, Harry as First Race Judge, Crowley, Pat as Dr. Autumn Claypool, Veterinarian
Matt and Dean are in trouble. Dean owes tons of gambling debts. To pay it off, he promises to fix a horse, so that it does not run. To do that, he intends to use his animal lover, veterenian apprentice cousin, Jerry to do this. Of course, he doesn't tell Jerry the real reason. Hilarity ensues as mistaken identies are assumed, while along the way, Jerry meets a female vet and Dean falls for the owner of the horse he's promised to fix. Goons and mobsters are also lurking around; so beware!
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Martin Lewis pretty lame and function. The pair get tied up with mobsters and horse racing. Could have been better. Lots of Jerry Lewis slapstick and scenes are constructed so that Jerry can do your thing. Must have been fun if, but now it seems that his comedy has been delayed and not as funny. The character that he had been institutionalized when one has acted that way today. But I forgot, this is a comedy fantasy, where anything goes. It seems that a lot was left out of the scenes do not match and that about to jump out of order. In a moment it seems that the kidnapping of Richard Hayden character and drive away. Later, it seems to be back in the same hotel. The harem was playing music in the Hotel of kidnapping, harem girls and music are in place for bandits abducted two characters. It simply makes no sense as well as other defects in the wording. The color is beautiful, pleasant and attractive song with two leading ladies. Now available on DVD and if you are a REAL Martin and Lewis fan, I guess it is almost a must see!
I am a big fan of Martin and Lewis, and this is one of his best films in history. The chemistry between them was phenomenal, and will always be remembered with nothing but the utmost respect from me. The other reason was that I liked the music in it, Dean had a sexy voice and that Jerry always behind the comedy. The color detail was excellent, and the entire cast was very good. The horse in the Money from Home Comedy really did a good job also, I am amazed how they can train animals to do things they do. I enjoyed the scene with Jerry all the animals had to be commissioned, it was fun. However, I recommend this Money from Home film to anyone who likes Martin and Lewis, is a must see.
This is a typical Martin / Lewis vehicle. They are cousins who have to manage a lot of problems. Jerry is his satirical performances, Dino gets his songs - that the management of its functions and stayed a great deal of self-irony. But there's more positive aspects: It is the first team from the color image; George Marshall directs with a sure hand and the support cast is very good, although there are no big names on it; The first sequence of the film: Money from Home where he is Dean endangering "Chambo Schneider is a first-class parody of gangster DVD film Money from Home clichés in the Thirties; To summarize what is a treat for fans like me. 7 / 10.
Dean is in trouble. Owes money for gambling debts. (Why not pay the debts crooning these songs to be sung is a marvel). Jerry is an animal lover with a trainee vet. The mob set as Dean of a horse that does not want to win. Dean is going to use Jerry to do so without telling him. Laughs ensue, there are two girls for one man and track racing scene is up there with the great slapsticks of the Marx Bros, Chaplin etc

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